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...a string quintet with a twist...


    Concert cafe - Hollywood Edition - Sunday 12-Feb

    February 11, 2023 Min

    Our concert café is a great getaway from the stresses of everyday life as a wonderful way to treat yourself to some you-time with coffee and cake and music. Spend an entertaining afternoon in our company with music and stories from the Golden age of Hollywood. The world can wait for a little bit…

    About Us

    5 musicians from 4 different nations playing on 10+ instruments to bring the music that they love to your ears. A string quintet with a twist, they break boundaries between musical genres, play music they like and bring their classical chamber ensemble to another level. These four ladies and a gentleman crossed paths in Graz, Austria and formed a unique group that is not only musically interesting, but also visually engaging and self-sufficient. They make all of the audio recordings themselves, produce their own videos, play their own exclusive arrangements, written by them or for them, and take care of management and organization. In doing so they formed a tight bond that is highly noticeable in their musical interpretation and in their stage presence.

    The main musical focus of the group lies in bringing quality interpretations of music such as operetta, Viennese tradition, musicals and film music to listeners, as well as arrangements of popular rock, jazz and pop hits. The “classical” portion of their repertoire includes beloved melodies from baroque all the way to the 20th century as well as pieces written especially for them. Concert programs with United Intonations include an interesting mix between old and new, combinations of different genres and stories behind the music and composers so there is a hidden gem in there for everyone.


    Klaus Eberle, Violin 1


    Our man of contrasts; correct and quirky. Lives on music and energy drinks. Among many other things, sound engineer, videographer, editor, tune arrangeur, rehearsal manager, ideas man, lighting technician, chauffeur, percussion setter, melodica tuner, set designer, script writer, set designer, moderator, sounding board, chief commiserator, cat whisperer… and, of course, violinist extraordinaire.

    Barbara Upelj, Violin 2


    STOP! Do not make her laugh, or rehearsal will be delayed by 20 minutes, minimum!

    Our laugh-aholic, bongo specialist and coffee addict.

    An expert on presence, she is our costume and makeup artist with intense attention to detail. She finds humor in both music and life and loves making people laugh. Barbara can under no circumstances stand still and not even a broken foot can stop her from dancing away a night or two. She is usually the one to bring crazy ideas to Irmtraud, and, determined as she is, won't stop until they are realized.

    Irma Servatius, Viola

    (United States of America)

    Since still waters run deep, she has the ability of saying it all just with her eyes. A very talented hand-held natural-light photographer and out-of-the-box thinker, always offering another perspective and bringing creative ideas to the table. Has an eye for finding those special hidden moments that the rest of us miss and capturing them with her camera. Irma has a huge knowledge of old and new movies, books, music and viola jokes, which she delivers perfectly.

    Lana Beraković, Cello


    Coming soon...

    Irmtraud Eberle-Härtl, Double Bass


    Her secret superpower is the ability to sing one melody while playing something completely different. Our chief diplomat, visionary heart and an expert multi-tasker. Direct and clear, she leaves no musical stone unturned and is the bass-is of the quintet as well as the rhythmic driver. Irmtraud intuitively knows how people around her are feeling and is always ready to offer a sympathetic ear, a shoulder to cry on and has an infinite supply of remedies in the form of coffee, champagne or sugar on hand. But do not come to her with any crazy ideas, because she WILL bring them to life! She understands how to add the right spices in the right amount to life and to her perfect cooking.



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